
Monkey's declaration for Office

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Monkey's declaration for Office

(note: caamtgard is in the middle of being updated; Monkey's post was to the old forums are redirects and archives were happening. I've copied his post from the old forums. Original post was Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:34 pm )


Declaration for monarch 2024


I, Sir Monkey Deviltit, being of sound mind and body but knowing the uncertainty of life, do hereby make, publish and declare this, my intent to be the next Westmarch King. I declare that I am making this intent and Testament of my own will, being under no threat of coercion or duress. I declare that I am Reeve and corpora qualified. I declare that I am dues paid. Previously I have served in multiple offices in another kingdom, throughout my 30ish years being apart of Amtgard. It is my will that I shall serve the Kingdom of Westmarch to the best of my abilities. As your King, I will work with the rest of the monarchy team and board of directors to insure the kingdom grows and follows the laws of the kingdom as written. As your King, I will rule with honesty, integrity and transparency. As your King, I will represent our kingdom within the circle of monarchs. As your King, I will declare, everyone can eat ice cream before bedtime.

Subscribed and sworn to by me on this 29th day of March , 2024 in the presence of the multiple witnessess